What a wonderful verse. It gives me a picture of holding a toddlers hands who is learning to walk. You give them just enough slack to offer them freedom yet still know you are there. They can choose to let go and wobble or stay in the comfort of your hands. If they stumble, you are right there to sure up their balance. A toddler is fearless as fear is a taught reaction - one they have yet learn.
God is the same way with us. We can choose to hold on to Him for balance, or let go and wobble away...striking out on our own. If we hold on however, allowing Him to lead and guide us - to trust in Him - He is able to lead us on a path of eternal life - one full of peace, joy, love, surrender, vulnerability, submission, tenderness, self-control, and so on.
The above scripture also reminds me of a message preached by one of the Elders in our church. It was about "Keeping it moving. Don't get stagnate...even if it is one step, albeit small or big, KEEP IT MOVING!"
Another message brought forth on the same day was about getting "MAD: Meditate, Analyze, and Decide". Meditating on something causes you to analyze it and then you should make a decision --> KEEP IT MOVING!
I now realize that all of the steps I took a few months ago to submit my resume, apply for jobs, and visit an employment agency, were all steps leading me to being sure of my next career move. I had to take those steps. To allow myself to be vulnerable, to receive rejection as well as acceptance in the form of not getting a job or being offered a job. I had to learn that I do have something to offer society beyond working in a child care setting - although I know ministering to children is one of my callings. I don't necessarily understand why God would call me to such a task, but I choose to bask in His Glory while doing it in excellence - just like when you take your first steps outside on a beautiful day. The temperature is just right, a nice breeze, and you look up at the sky that is so blue you feel like it goes on endlessly. You are basking in God's beauty!
God is the same way with us. We can choose to hold on to Him for balance, or let go and wobble away...striking out on our own. If we hold on however, allowing Him to lead and guide us - to trust in Him - He is able to lead us on a path of eternal life - one full of peace, joy, love, surrender, vulnerability, submission, tenderness, self-control, and so on.
The above scripture also reminds me of a message preached by one of the Elders in our church. It was about "Keeping it moving. Don't get stagnate...even if it is one step, albeit small or big, KEEP IT MOVING!"
Another message brought forth on the same day was about getting "MAD: Meditate, Analyze, and Decide". Meditating on something causes you to analyze it and then you should make a decision --> KEEP IT MOVING!
I now realize that all of the steps I took a few months ago to submit my resume, apply for jobs, and visit an employment agency, were all steps leading me to being sure of my next career move. I had to take those steps. To allow myself to be vulnerable, to receive rejection as well as acceptance in the form of not getting a job or being offered a job. I had to learn that I do have something to offer society beyond working in a child care setting - although I know ministering to children is one of my callings. I don't necessarily understand why God would call me to such a task, but I choose to bask in His Glory while doing it in excellence - just like when you take your first steps outside on a beautiful day. The temperature is just right, a nice breeze, and you look up at the sky that is so blue you feel like it goes on endlessly. You are basking in God's beauty!
I bask in Your calling for my life Lord! For You said that I am fearfully and wonderfully made! I trust that You know EXACTLY what You are doing. I forgive and release myself NOW from any mistakes that I will make and make a decision to learn from them and allow them to propel me on the journey YOU have me on. Thank You Father for placing your confidence in me - Thank You for believing in me - even when I could not believe in myself. I CHOOSE to treat each and every mistake as a learning opportunity - both past and present!